Saturday, March 7, 2020

Game 19 - Stillness in the Wind - Week 10 - Feb 20

tilness in the Wind as the name suggests is a pure experience of the calm before the storm. From the charm and radiant warm emanating from the art to the cute characters and humble design of managing a quaint farm. I felt quite at ease in the 2 hour session I played this. I was actually going through some personal issues at the time, that week was a struggle for me and others close to me, and this game was the most at peace I felt while playing it. Feather had a similar experience, but nothing compared to this. It's hard to describe, but the synergy of art, gameplay and sound just create a symphony of serenity. Upon return, this quickly changed. Wolves appear. The messenger you rely on comes less. When he does come his gossip changes. He mentions passes he can no longer take and how many bullets he is finding. The letters you receive from your family in the city become more and more disturbing. People are disappearing. You have disturbing dreams of cities, pollution, death and the afterlife. And then rapidly... the storm hits. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this peculiar experience.

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